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Payment Options

Pay In Person

Make your payment in person at 801 Pleasant Hill Dr., Burgin, KY 40310 during the hours of 8–3, M-F. After hours and weekends, you may drop your payment in the door slot. We now process credit and debit card payments in the office.

Holding a Credit Card
Folding Envelope

Pay by Mail

Mail water bill payments to Lake Village Water Association, P.O. Box 303, Burgin, KY 40310. We gather our mail every morning. Please be sure to mail your payment in plenty of time before the actual due date to eliminate penalties.

Pay by Bank Draft

Payments are automatically debited from your bank account on the 15th of each month. You will still receive a bill informing you of the amount to be debited and your monthly usage.

Online banking
Contactless Payment

Pay via our Website

For your convenience we now offer the option to pay securely on this website. There is a one-time fee of 3.5% of the bill amount owed per transaction. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards. Get started below to pay online. 

Click the ReCapcha before you click the "Pay Now" button to pay securely. 

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